Bending radius #6 cable

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Senior Member
New Jersey
180 degree turn of excessive conductor length in a very tight space (lower right corner of the panel) - red and white insulated conductors. The resultant loop bend radius is less than 1 1/2", which I though was the minimum bending radius for #6. Any help to clarify this would be helpful.


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Those #6 conductors are fine. The NEC has no specific bend radius for #6 wire so it's a non-issue. Have you ever seen the bend radius of conductors within a LB conduit body?
I have seen the amount of allowed conductors based on the bend radius, though.
Not bending radius, but required bending space. There is no minimum bending radius for single conductors rated 1000 volts or less, but there is required bending space to make the terminations.
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