Is there a source for illustrations on bending radii for conductors? sometimes pictures clear all confusion. A customer requires (3) single phase 400amp MBreaker panels fed from a CT cabinet via a transfer switch. The goal was to use power distribution blocks and run 4/0 in parallel but the largest cabinet we can fit in the area is 24"x24". I'm just trying to locate the chases and verify bending radii isn't compromised and am having a hard time visualizing where to start the 8x measurement. (some bends would likely be two 45 degree opposite bends) Will copper bus be more adequate to use instead of PDB's? FYI, the dist. blocks only have 4 load side terminals so to feed the three panels with parallel conductors, I was going to use an extra PDB per phase and piggy back to get to the 3rd load. There just doesn't appear to be enough room to accomplish this with 6 PDB's. Sorry for the novel, in short, any advice or references to pictures for bending radii would be greatly appreciated.