Best and Worse ideas running a company.

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My best idea was to start my own electrical company, more time with family and an unending learning experience. :D

Worst idea was not having customer sign before my company doing the work. Even when I thought there was trust. :mad:
Re: Best and Worse ideas running a company.

Best Idea: hire a family member to work for you.
The Worst Idea: hire a family member to work for you.

There are no worst/best ideas. Some ideas work for some and do not for others.

Experience is your best partner. That will take time.

Re: Best and Worse ideas running a company.

To stay with the same theme as Pierre, my best idea was providing 24-hour emergency service. My worst idea, the same.

Why is it that trees always seem to fall on service drops at 3:00 in the morning? :mad:
Re: Best and Worse ideas running a company.

Best Idea: Learning to read most electricians never bother to read directions and I make money repairing , teaching, consulting..........

Worst Idea: Thinking I could trust a GC, took job without a signature
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