best central station to go with for monitoring

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I'm new to alarm monitoring. I've put in many security systems though for customers and let them find monitoring or just gave the account to adt/brinks. But now i need that end income to grow. I have all of my insurance and contractors licenses. Does anyone know of a good company to do 3rd party monitoring with?
It really depends on where you are, many good companines are regional, not national. Also, some companies are picky about what they're monitoring and some aren't, so whatever you install has to be something they're willing to work with.
I would pick a local one. The national ones will be harder to deal with if you have a problem. Also the local ones typically sponser dealer events and you can talk with them in person.

As for UL listing, I would never use one that isn't.

Of course their fees are a consideration I pay less than $6 for a monthly test, no opening/closings, POTS line account.

There are a few that charge like 2-4 dollars, but look closely they are probably not UL listed.

Oh and make sure you can get internet access to your accounts for no extra charge.

AS Zbang said formats are also a consideration, they may be picky about CID, SIA, 4/2 etc depending on their receivers.
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WOW! That is one hell of a question and I don't think you'll ever get a perfect answer. I'm sure there's a few of them right??
Security & Fire Alarm Monitoring

Security & Fire Alarm Monitoring

Try Security Central out of Statesville NC. I have personally visited their facilities. top notch, State of the Art, and professional operators.

They will handle your dealer accounts for $5 per month per account. I have been with them 10 years. They monitor 250,000 dealer accounts nationwide.

Call 1-800-286-5699 and ask for Dealer Services (Tabatha). Tell her I recommended them to you.

Jim Raposa

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