Best circuit/wire tracer? Recommendations?

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Senior Member
I have gotten approval to buy a circuit/wire tracer, at work.

I have looked at several at WW Grainger, Holder Electric, ETC. and I'm needing recommendations.

I work industrial, sewer, and I need something to trace down wires to locate faults, ETC.

I can open a J-box and there will be multiple wires with the same wire number. The contractors that installed the wires and machines didn't identify them clearly.

An example, at one plant, I have 10 mixers, with #4 and #5 as leak detectors circuits on all 10!

Help I don't want to buy a lemon!
For energized tracing, the Amprobe CT-326 is very accurate. And a sturdy device.
Spendy, though good buys on eBay.
The Amprobe CT-326 is way above budget. I have a $300 max.

Most of the time I need to trace dead circuits that have shorted or lost a connection somewhere in never land. Rarely do I need to trace a live circuit.

We have a lot of stuff that loops between multiple j-boxes with a lot of wires, sometimes hundreds.

Edit to add: I can't buy from E-bay, it has to come from one of our suppliers. If we don't have an account with the seller, I can't buy!
$300 might be tough for a good tracer off eBay. You may find old old Amprobe or Greenlees at some online outlet.
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