Best Method to Connect Multiple Transformers to Single Primary Meter

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Seattle, WA
Our utility is providing us with a 10MVA primary meter at 13.2 KV. Our system is already fully designed with 5x - 2500 KVA (13.2 KV / 480v) transformers (we are derating @ 80%). Today we discovered we are responsible for the 13.2 KV connection from the utilities primary meter to our 5x XFRM'ers.

What are economical options for us to accomplish this? (hopefully not equipment with 6 month + lead times).
I am not an MV guy so I don't really know what I am talking about (will refund your money if you are not satisfied with the answer 😉), but I think it would depend a lot on the layout and options. OH or UG? Do you need relaying/protection external to the transformers or can you use the integral fusing (do they have integral fusing?) Do you need disconnect ability for each transformer? Cutouts on poles would be simple, but I imagine would require a pole for each unit. You could use separable connectors in a vault or a pad Mount switch.
Utility is installing OH. We can use the integral fusing that they yes, do have. We do not need the ability to disconnect an individual transformer, but it would be prefered if that fits within our budget / timeline (so probably not).
After spending a ton of time researching and calling experts / vendors, it seems a 5-Way 15 KV switch is best. What is extremely unfourtunante is that these are custom and uncommon. There are 6 and 8 way swtiches, but again uncommon. 2 and 4 way switches are much more common. What NEC codes should I be referencing to directly connect 2x 2-way switches directly to the mirmary meter? Is that something that is possible and or acceptable?
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