Best Software For Feeders

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Who do you guys think does the best job with feeders? On some runs we might have pvc, imc/grc, and emt, along with associated fittings, wire, etc, all in the same run. We also will need an easily understandable printout for the field. Which software should we use? Most of our work from 50,000 up to 2 million, typically. Thanks -Jim

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
I must admit that I do not understand the question. What type of software application are you asking about? What do you need it to do for you? Is this, for example, to assist in performing material take offs?

By the way, I think you would find it helpful you were to clarify your job title and role within the industry, as shown in your profile. This forum is intended for members of the electrical industry. Your question tells me that you fit that description, but your profile does not. Some members will be reluctant to provide the assistance that they otherwise might provide, if they suspect that you are not really a member of the industry.
charlie b said:
I must admit that I do not understand the question. What type of software application are you asking about? What do you need it to do for you? Is this, for example, to assist in performing material take offs?

By the way, I think you would find it helpful you were to clarify your job title and role within the industry, as shown in your profile. This forum is intended for members of the electrical industry. Your question tells me that you fit that description, but your profile does not. Some members will be reluctant to provide the assistance that they otherwise might provide, if they suspect that you are not really a member of the industry.
Charlie, I went back and edited my profile. I just assumed that posting this question under the forum section "Electrical Contracting and Estimating/Management" section would be enough for other contractors/estimators to understand where I was coming from with the question. I have been a commercial/industrial electrical contractor for 37 years. Obviously my question was not clear. Basically I am addressing electrical contractors/estimators on which take-off software does the best/clearest/simplest job with feeders, including printouts. I have been looking at Accubid and Conest. When estimating software was just beginning we used Estmat, we gave it up about 10 years ago and went back manual. I have 2 sons that have finished college and both are working with me now. We plan to purchase estimating software in the next few months but I DO NOT want to throw money away as I have spent close to 10 grand on useless software in the past. Thanks for all responses. -Jim
Mark Marshall said:
If you're looking for a feeder sizing tool, Vision infosoft makes a nice little calculator called Electrical Calculation Manager. Demo available at:
Thanks Mark, I have looked at visionsoft, for the money the programs look excellent. I am looking for some help with estimating software that will allow me to print out reports/schedules/methods our men can easily understand in the field. -Jim
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