Best way to attempt to get a UL listing

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My experience has been that there are other NRTLs that perform similar tasks at less expense if that NRTL is acceptable to the AHJ.
In no case that I have know is it inexpensive.
Other Testing Labs

Other Testing Labs

A former boss of mine use to have a list of other testing labs here in NC. Not sure if they are valid in other states. I'll see if he still has it. Hopefully some of them are less expensive than than UL.
I used to be involved in this to some extent (though I'm not the guy who actually did it). First, you need to know the rules that apply to what you want listed - you don't want to learn the rules from the test house as it will be expensive and time consuming. Second, you need to pay. Third, you need to do the paperwork. Fourth, you need to babysit the equipment while they do their "stuff" (more or less depending on the equipment being listed, and the test house). Fifth, fix the problems and start over again. To oversimplify, that's about all there is to it! ;)
To obtain a listing for electric wire & cable is in the $6500 to $8500 range and one to three or four months, depending on the standard (& therefore testing involved).
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