My 2 cents
The only 2 ways to go would be an LLC or Sub S corp. I have had both and set them up myself (in NC too,

). The thing I didn't like about the sub S was the required documented stockholder meetings. If you don't do this, it is easy for an attorney to penetrate the corporate shield. The LLC was much easier in this regard.
What I liked about the sub S was I salaried myself at $40k/year and everything I made above that didn't have any SS taxes which since I was paying both sides was a significant savings. I have heard that you can do this with an LLC, but I'm not sure how that works.
I was lucky in that I never had to test either for asset protection.
One thing, no matter what you do, have separate accounts for personal and business and DO NOT commingle funds, EVER.
There are nuances that need to be understood that although it may not seem worth it, paying a professional can help you with.
Do you know where you want to go with this business? Are you building a multi-million dollar organization or going to be a 1-man show? This may or may not effect the decision.
Bottom line, seek professional advice! It's worth the money in the long run.