Senior Member
I am just wondering what some ideas would be to exit a house with #2 AL feeders. Basically you'de have #2 ser AL running from a main panel, nailed to the floor joists in a basement. It then exits the house into conduit so it has to be spliced to #2 quad that is rated for burial in conduit (2 inch). There dosn't seem to be many practical ways to do this. I believe if you use a juncton box with split bolt connectors, but it would have to be 6 or 8x the largest conduit. A huge junction box dosn't seem very practical to me. The only decent way of doing it that I know of is using a disconnect rated for the correct load. You can come into it with SER and out of it with conduit. The problem here is disconnects get expensive and they arn't even required in this case. What do you guys typically do when you run into this situation? Is there any codes keeping me from making this splice in a 2" LB with split bolt connectors? Any discussions would be great.