Best way to operate 13.8kV with 12.47kV delivery


New User
Electrical Engineer
Due to obvious material shortages these days we are in a pickle where we have a data center wanting to operate at 13.8kV.

Our system is comprised of 12.47kV and 24.9kV distribution with a little 13.8kV where we take delivery from an IOU at sub transmission voltage.

Curious what others would do in this situation when your constraints are limited to a 115kV/12.47kV Power transformer.

1) Would you boost the taps as far as you could on the Power Transformer to get as close as you can to 13.8kV then use regulators to get you the rest of the way there?
2) Keep the the Power Transformer at a neutral tap then use two sets of regulators where the first set are locked and boosted to the desired 13.8kV and then the second set of regs to actually regulate at that voltage
3) Another option I am not thinking of...

I am not sure which would be the most effective way to produce good power quality while limiting exposure to possible issues.