between a rock and a hard place

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Senior Member
ridgewood, n.j.
i did a service upgrade for a friend of a simi friend and he has been putting off getting an inspection. i just found out he is doing a kitchen remolding and is doing the electrical with out any permits. how do i protect my self? how would some of you contractors handle this situation?
Why don't you call for the inspection on the work you performed, being that you are the Electrical Contractor, aren't you the one that pulled the permit?

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puckman said:
i did a service upgrade for a friend of a simi friend and he has been putting off getting an inspection.

In my area it would not be the homeowner on the hook for inspections.

If you did the work why are you not getting it inspected and signed off?

i just found out he is doing a kitchen remolding and is doing the electrical with out any permits. how do i protect my self?

You could have protected yourself by getting the work you did inspected right after you did the work.

Now IMO it will only be the customers honesty about who did what work that can help you.

I would call for an inspection and explain the situation to the inspector.
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We have these situations happen all the time. It usually becomes a big mess where nobody is getting paid and work sits around for months not completed.

I agree with both Bob and Roger. Resolve any open permits you are involved with. Schedule the inspection and be onsite for the inspection. The inspector should only perform the inspection on the work permitted. In the event other work is taking place or has been completed that was not on the permit application, the inspector should report it to the building department's code enforcement office. He shouldn't confront you or the owner about the issue on the inspection for the permitted work.

He may get some basic details of the issue, but should not be performing an "investigation" or inspection in excess of the permitted work. People do have rights. And if they are breaking the laws, it should go through the proper channels.
Dude, you should have a raport with the Inspectors, or its about time you get one. CAll your favorite inspector and tell him what is happening.
Be honest with them. Your not a fault here.
I've been told by my inspectors that I can always call the plumbing or structural department & report an unpermitted job & then I won't look like I was the one to call it in.
Then you can side the the HO and tell him how sorry you are he got caught.
Plus fixin the mess will be more work & $$ for you to get involved in.
I agree with the others on this, I don't even see a problem. I have done two service changes this year where I'm sure they are going to do unpermitted remodeling. The day after the service up-grade I called for an inspection and closed out the permit. The disclaimer on the invoice states that if any of my work is tampered with by unqualified personnel then the warranty is void. One thing that I would advise is to never terminate circuits that are run by others that are unpermitted ( new circuits that you can't be sure are safe because of no rough-in inspection ). Many homeowners will run new circuits and try to get you to install them in the panel and make you responsible. Make sure that you document your work and any action taken.
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i got the ho owner to finally give me access for an inspection . he claims to only to have replaced old outlets and lights in kitchen and will speake to the building dept. about the work he has done.
thanks for all the replys from you guys.
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