Bid for fun

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Senior Member
New Jersey
This is a house I bid on and won 2 weeks ago. The builder almost choked on the price but I cut him no slack due to the PITA factor with this guy. Just for kicks and knowledge what do you guys think this job would go for?
Keep in mind it is an existing house being highly renovated with an existing overhead service. The garage run is 160 ft from the house to the workshop to be wired with 1/0 alum in 2" pipe. Hardly any demo..

Addition and alteration to include:
  • 69 Duplex receptacles
  • 5 Gfi receptacles
  • 65 Switches
  • 19 Dimmers
  • 48 6? recessed lights
  • 7-4 inch low voltage lights
  • 1-4? sink light
  • 4-6? shower lights
  • 23 Fixture by owner light outlets
  • 1 ceiling fan (fbo)
  • 3-110 volt weatherproof receptacles
  • 3 Bath fan/light Nutone ultra quiet exhaust fans (Vented by others)
  • 1 Dual flood
  • 4 Closet florescent lights
  • 1 Doorbell front only
  • 2 light-1rec in attic
  • 3 Under cabinet Halogen lights
  • 1 Dishwasher wired
  • 1 Gas cook top
  • 1 Electric oven
  • 1 Microwave wired
  • 1 Refrigerator wired
  • 1 Hood wired
  • 1 Gas dryer wired
  • 2 Zones of air conditioning wired
  • 1 Hot water furnace wired with 4 zones (material by plumber)
  • 5 -110 volt smoke detectors with battery backup
  • 2 CO2 detector interconnected with smokes
  • Low voltage garage door wiring (hookup by others)
  • Provide necessary circuits for above stated wiring
  • Removal of existing wires for construction
  • Install new 200 amp service with main breaker. Add 1-40 circuit panel.
  • Run new 100 amp underground sub panel to garage from main inside house. Provide pipe, fittings, grounding for same. Add 1 Gfi in garage.
Waddya think?
What about the panels & breakers? Any particular flavor?
Square footage for those that bid that way?
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480sparky said:
What about the panels & breakers? Any particular flavor?

Oakey said:
  • Provide necessary circuits for above stated wiring

  • Install new 200 amp service with main breaker. Add 1-40 circuit panel.

This is just filler....
Cutler Hammer for both panels .
1 main 200 42 circuit
1-125 main lug with 100 amp breaker in remote garage. Add rods..garage is existing.
2 CO combos and 5 smokes. (Included in the quote)
It's raining out here so pools closed...Stuck inside!
mdshunk said:
With the information given, and without seeing the place, $29,740

Hey, no fair. I was adding it all in my head and came out with 30,150.00.LOL


Could be more since the builder is a PITA though.

Probably 10 a foot for a custom like that.
I'm too bloated to do math ....Mama always said "Wait 24 hrs after being a glutton before doing an estimate" ....or was it "Wait 30 minutes before swimming"?

Either way...I'm stuffed :D

Tom'row PM I'll post my numbers.
Here's what I have:


- Service...add $2500
- Permits (Cost of permit, filing fees, inspection fees)
- Garage sub-panel...add $2000

Probably about $40k

EDIT TO ADD:This is a take-off number...for the sq. ft guys,it comes to: $11.42/sq.ft ...all those cans and switches add up :D
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Oakey said:
  • Install new 200 amp service with main breaker. Add 1-40 circuit panel.
  • Run new 100 amp underground sub panel to garage from main inside house. Provide pipe, fittings, grounding for same. Add 1 Gfi in garage.

Oakey said:
Cutler Hammer for both panels .
1 main 200 42 circuit

Just saw the the service 3? or 1? ?
Fault Finder said:
I came up with $28,192 cause I just started this biddin stuff an I don,t charge enuff cause I'm scared.

Planning on scaring the mac & cheese right outta the box, are ya?

The thing about estimates is:
The DOLLAR value will vary from region to region...the TIME factor should not be all over the board ~ sure some areas have their own "special codes"...but that's not going to change the time from 300 manhours to 400 manhours.

For the record...the $32k price comes in at 295.79 manhours. many MANHOURS do you figure this will take?

Actually....all these "Just for Fun Bids" should include BOTH dollars and manhours...that would be a more accurate representation of the estimate.
It's 1? Celtic.
Ok now I feel to cheap, but Marc is really close. Actually the price with the service was $28,730 and I was the high bidder.
I have known the builder for years and he put 2 other prices on the table for me to look at. Mind you one was a small shop, the other was a larger company both cheaper than me and they missed half the crap on the print on there bids. These were average busy well known guys in the area and ones a friend of mine. Says I got the job because I had the count correct. I fear no evil ...or they know something I don't. Crap I need to raise everything across the board...Thx for the playing all!
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Yes sir I will. I am a meticulous record keeper so this could be a good learning exp for me and some recent start up guys in here if there interested. The last few jobs I've lost but this one I got, I simply refuse to be the cheapest....
Btw Cel what do you get per 6" recessed might I ask?
Oakey said:
Btw Cel what do you get per 6" recessed might I ask?

How's that?
I must say, I am at a loss for words. I can't imagine getting those prices around here. What are some ways to find the going rates for certain areas? Give me some time to go through the specs and I will try and price and play, although I feel like I will be laughed off the post. :grin: A lot of my bidding is sq/ft and if that number is on here I missed it.
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