bid proposal

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Senior Member
Just wondering ,I am using vision software.My question is how much of the bid do you send with your proposal?ex. do you just send a cover sheet w/price,any inclusions and exclusions?Do you add the breakdown of the whole job,rates extensions takeoffs etc?
when i do mine,,i brake it down to each room,,what i'm installing,how much for each item,then a sub total,,then a room total,,then a job total,,
being on the same page as the person writeing the checks is priceless,,
then "when" they add something,you have the confirmation that it's an extra,,
good luck,,,,
Just send them a scope of work with what you will include, exclude and assumptions you made.
Payment terms.
A time limit on the price.
The total price and prices for alternates if they requested them.
As little breakout as possible. Let them ask.
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