Blank Inspection Form

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Does anyone have a sample or blank electrical inspection form that they could email to me? I need to incorporate it into my business.


Removed the e-mail address. Please use the PM system to exchange personal information and e-mail addresses. Thanks, Charlie

[ April 30, 2005, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: charlie ]
Re: Blank Inspection Form

Does anyone have an electrical inspection checklist I can use. Please email to more specifically, what I need is. Have a residential customer who is buying a house, had a home inspector come in but wants a more in-depth look by an electrician. So if anyone has something I could use, a checklist or something to that effect, please send to me.


Removed the e-mail address. Please use the PM system to exchange personal information and e-mail addresses. Thanks, Charlie

[ May 01, 2005, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: charlie ]
Re: Blank Inspection Form

Yeah, why would you do that? You do know how to use the PM feature don't you?

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