Blow Dryer in Toilet

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Help! "My Friend" dropped her blowdryer in the toilet this morning (it was off) and my electrician hubby told me it will be fine after it dries out. I am worried about me, um, I mean her getting shocked/hurt turning it back on. :) Can anyone confirm?
Help! "My Friend" dropped her blowdryer in the toilet this morning (it was off) and my electrician hubby told me it will be fine after it dries out. I am worried about me, um, I mean her getting shocked/hurt turning it back on. :) Can anyone confirm?

Have your/her husband turn it back on!:grin:

Seriously, get a plastic bag, preferable a zip lock (but any will do), put the dryer in the bag and fill it with uncooked rice. Let it sit overnight and that will take the moisture out of it. Make sure to have him plug it in a GFCI outlet to test it.
Um..,. aside from the electrical issues would you really WANT to blow dry your hair (and by proximity, your face, mouth, nose, eyes etc.) with something that has been in the toilet? Is that specific drier so special that you would do that?

But electrically, your Electrician hubby is right. A lot of things used in the electrical world have been wet at one time or another when being made. The key is to not have any moisture in it WHEN it is energized.
Seriously, I am cracking up! Knew I could count on my code forum peeps for good advice and some chuckles! My friend is still undecided but I do know that her toilets are impeccably clean and she really loved that new hair dryer!

Thanks guys! :)
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