Boat Dock - classified location or not?

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Okay guys, we have a job installing a piece of equipment on a boat dock,this equipment will be used to transfer propane from a large tank into small tanks for grills, etc. Would this be a Class 1 Div. 2 location, and if so, would it need rigid conduit and a seal off at the equipment? Sorry, this is all the details I have at this time.
Okay guys, we have a job installing a piece of equipment on a boat dock,this equipment will be used to transfer propane from a large tank into small tanks for grills, etc. Would this be a Class 1 Div. 2 location, and if so, would it need rigid conduit and a seal off at the equipment? Sorry, this is all the details I have at this time.
Well we don't know any more about the installation than you do. Right now, there are too many variables to give you specific answers. But from what you have described so far, it sounds like you have an installation that will need to be classified from a combination of Arts 514 and 515. Nice thing is they both have Tables to help you and Art 514 has some useful diagrams.
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