bonding 3 gang switch box

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Senior Member
When you are the bonding a 3 gang box that would have let's say 3 switches. Do you bond all the grounds together and leave 3 ground wires for the future switches or you bond all the ground and leave one very long wire to go to each device?
It is purely personal preference. I have done it both ways depending on the mood that day. What I really hate is when some yahoo does the one long hot for three switches.
Why you dont like the long hot wire configuration?

It is just a Royal PITA. This is different but similar: Three single poles in one box. The Hot lands on the first switch screw terminal, then
for Hot out the stab terminal was used to supply switch two screw terminal. Repeat for switch three.

Use what ever method makes you happy. But I suggest ALWAYS ​pigtail your Hots.
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