Bonding a sub-panel

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New User
St. Louis, Mo
I installed a second sub-panel to the first sub-panel which, of course is wired to the main panel. The main panel has 2 hots and a ground coming in from the meter. The hots are connected directly to the main panel without a main breaker. The ground is attached to a single bus bar and all ground and neutral wires connect to that same bus bar. The ground and neutral wires from the main panel both run from that same bus bar to separate bus bars in the first sub-panel. The second subpanel also has the ground and neutral bus bars separated. I installed the second sub panel but not the first sub panel or the main, which is pretty old. My question is this: the first subpanel has the neutral and ground bonded. The wires feeding the neutral and ground of the first sub-panel are connected to the same spot on the main panel neutral/ground bus bar. Should I remove the bonding between the two bus bars on the sub-panel? I did not bond the second sub-panel. Thanks.
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