What do you do to bond a new ground/neutral buss?
Let's say you're adding three new circuits to an old service entrance panel (125A), and the ground/neutral buss bar has only one accessible open space.
You install another terminal bar by using two
8-32 screws (in tapped holes in the panel can). The grounded conductors of three 20A branch circuits and the EGCs terminate on the new buss.
I believe that the two mounting screws are not enough to handle the possible fault current, and you don't want the panel can to be part of the return path anyway (i.e., to serve as the grounded conductor between the new and old buss). So, you connect the new buss to the old one with a bonding jumper.
But what gage? Should the bonding jumper be the same gage as the MBJ (AWG8)? I checked the 2002 Code and Soares, and couldn't find anything that was I think is specific to this situation.
Thanks for any info.
Let's say you're adding three new circuits to an old service entrance panel (125A), and the ground/neutral buss bar has only one accessible open space.
You install another terminal bar by using two
8-32 screws (in tapped holes in the panel can). The grounded conductors of three 20A branch circuits and the EGCs terminate on the new buss.
I believe that the two mounting screws are not enough to handle the possible fault current, and you don't want the panel can to be part of the return path anyway (i.e., to serve as the grounded conductor between the new and old buss). So, you connect the new buss to the old one with a bonding jumper.
But what gage? Should the bonding jumper be the same gage as the MBJ (AWG8)? I checked the 2002 Code and Soares, and couldn't find anything that was I think is specific to this situation.
Thanks for any info.