bonding and multiple services

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central iowa
Around here it is common to have 2 electric services, one for heat ( discounted rate ), and one for main power and lights. I have asked our inspector and got a dumb look. Each service neutral is required to be bonded the GEC's available. usually this is at a pole. So I have two meter-mains at the pole. both have neutrals running up the pole to the utility. Both boxes are bonded and have connection to the GEC. Wouldn't there be neutral current on the GEC connecting both of the meter mains? What else can i do?
What you are describing is required by 250.58 of the NEC. In the event this arrangement creates "objectionable current", 250.6 provides some guidance. The real hazard will come from an open grounded (neutral) condcutor supplying one of the two services. In this event, ALL the neutral current of the service with the open grounded conductor will flow on the grounded and bonded parts of the two systems.
Are you sure it's a separate service? Or is it one incoming utility line with two service disconnect/meters? Then again it would still be considered separate services. What would be strange is if the services came from different poles or manholes for that matter.:)
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