Bonding at subpanels

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New member
Pittsburgh, PA
This question concerns a large building with a grounding counterpoise, multiple bonding connection points to building steel, and ground bars in each electrical room. The electrical room ground bars are bonded to the overall grounding/counterpoise system.

All subpanels have equipment ground bars bonded to the panel enclosures. Each panelboard can is bonded to the electrical room ground bars, which are in turn bonded to the overall grounding system/counterpoise. Panelboard feeders include an appropriately sized ECG.

Is it acceptable to bond the equipment ground bars in the panelboards to the electrical room ground bars also?
I'm seeing more and more of this type of redundant grounding.
IMO some of it is a waste of money but I'm not paying. Code wise it's not an issue.

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IMO, you are setting up parallel ground fault return paths.

In a ground fault, most of thethe current will take the effective ground fault current path, which will be the EGC with the circuit conductors. Some current will take the ground fault current paths, which is all metallic paths in parallel. the NEC recognizes this. Also remember the ground is a normally non current path.
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