Bonding bushings

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The contract required stainless steel Myers hubs were conduits entered stainless steel enclosures. The contract also required bonding bushings because of the excessive vibrations at the site, approximately 50,000 cycles daily. The contract also required bonding conductors in each conduit.
The contractor used a UL listed stainless steel Myers hubs with a bonding bushing that have a bonding screw for a bonding jumper attachment.
The Myers hub used is listed in the UL white book as a bonding connection in a metal enclosure.
The contractor did not install the bonding jumper from the hub to enclosure with the exception of the service equipment.
What are your thoughts about the use of bonding bushings used in a without a bonding jumper attached? Should I insist the contractor install the jumpers?
If the design professional included the connections in the specs, I would insist on them or at least give the DP the option. If the myers hub is listed for bonding, that has satisfied the code requirement.
This one is quite amusing! On the one hand, if the specs call for a bonding bushing, it seems quite obvious that the spec-writer also intended the jumper - otherwise, why was the bonding bushing specified?

But as a technicality, the contractor may be correct in a literal reading of the specs. I would like to hear the outcome of this one.

Now, if this contractor intends on doing more jobs for this customer, he should consider putting the jumpers in.
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