Bonding CATV broadband

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Senior Member
New England
Master electrician
We have a Manufacturing plant,Cable company buried a large coax from Pole to side of our building.We are going to run broadband internet with it.They drove a ground rod directly below there box,which has a grounding splitter inside.They then go into the building to there Hub.I noticed they did not bond to our service that is about 20 feet away,and our service is Also a transfer switch that is located on our lawn,Not against our building.Reading art:800 a few times,My question is Does there (looks like) #10 bare copper from there splitter to there ground rod need to be insulated? Also we are going to ask them to connect to our service ground rod.Is it a requirement to have two ground rod nuts? One for the #10 to the splitter and a separate one for the #6 copper going to our service/building ground system? Also does the #6 need to be insulated as well?.Ive also read that they have listed wire for this purpose,So I am guessing THWN won't meet the requirement.Thank you
Separate acorn clamp on their ground rod, separate acorn on your ground rod. Buried THWN between the two is fine.

Cable company should have known better.

Separate ground rods for electrical and other services is a common error. The ground rods must be tied together.

When you have separate ground rods, then your internal equipment becomes a parallel path for any current flowing through the earth. This could be stray current from power line grounding or earth current from nearby lightning strikes. When you bond your ground electrodes together, then the bond limits the voltage imposed across this parallel path.

Id have to look but I thought there was an exception in the 08 NEC for driving a ground rod at the CATV demarc then connecting that to the nearest grounded electrode. May have been a residential exception.

eta: 820.100(4) exception. It is for residential. The grounding conductor for CATV is supposed to be insulated per 820.100(A)(1). same as article 830 for broadband systems
Yes they did drive a ground rod for there equipment(bare copper),But it is not bonded to our service ground in anyway.
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