Bonding Conductor Size

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a 100a feeder from a home to an agrcultural building (barn) is increased for voltage drop. The grounded conductor is included in the circuit. The EGC was increased proportinaly. At the remote building a neutral ground connection is NOT established. A driven ground rod is provided with a # 6 cu.GEC and attached to the panel hosing at the remote building. Question - what size would the Bonding condutor be to the metal building as required by 250-104(C)? (2005 NEC)

Note: EGC is 4. Feeder is 3/0

I contend that 250-66 table note 2 allows this to be sized for the 100a panel not the voltage dropped increased 3/0 feeder because the feeder is not considered service entraance conductors per article 100. Thoughts?
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vdowns said:
I contend that 250-66 table note 2 allows this to be sized for the 100a panel not the voltage dropped increased 3/0 feeder because the feeder is not considered service entraance conductors per article 100. Thoughts?

Look at Art. 225 Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders

Part II More Than One Building or Structure

Art. 225.36

Although you have a feeder, the disconnect is service rated.

I treat this as a service and use table 250.66

As for the voltage drop, not so sure.
vdowns said:
I contend that 250-66 table note 2 allows this to be sized for the 100a panel not the voltage dropped increased 3/0 feeder because the feeder is not considered service entraance conductors per article 100. Thoughts?
I agree; the bonding conductor does not traverse the feeder's pathway, so won't have the same voltage drop.
I don't agree that Note 2 to Table 250.66 applies to this installation, however the code is not really clear. That note was put into the code for cases like meter mains where there are no service conductors of the wire type.
so we end up with:

EGC - # 4
GEC to Grd. Rod - # 6
GEC - to steel builidng # 4

I don't agree this is a service. Article 100 defines a service as "The conductors and equipment from the serving untility....." without a service, we have no service entrance condutors to size from in 250-66.

Thanks for the responses. Interesting question isn't it?
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