a 100a feeder from a home to an agrcultural building (barn) is increased for voltage drop. The grounded conductor is included in the circuit. The EGC was increased proportinaly. At the remote building a neutral ground connection is NOT established. A driven ground rod is provided with a # 6 cu.GEC and attached to the panel hosing at the remote building. Question - what size would the Bonding condutor be to the metal building as required by 250-104(C)? (2005 NEC)
Note: EGC is 4. Feeder is 3/0
I contend that 250-66 table note 2 allows this to be sized for the 100a panel not the voltage dropped increased 3/0 feeder because the feeder is not considered service entraance conductors per article 100. Thoughts?
Note: EGC is 4. Feeder is 3/0
I contend that 250-66 table note 2 allows this to be sized for the 100a panel not the voltage dropped increased 3/0 feeder because the feeder is not considered service entraance conductors per article 100. Thoughts?