Hope this is the right area for this. "Grounding vs Bonding" doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a forum title. Makes me think that area is just to discuss the differences between grounding and bonding and not actual grounding and bonding applications. Sorry if I'm being overly dense about that.
Anyway, please feel free to move it if it belongs in that forum.
As the title suggests, what is the proper way to bond this stuff? I have only worked with Cast iron gas pipes that feed a furnace, not CSST..... My girlfriends friend just bought a condo and the HI said this needed to be done which I fully agree with.
Is this the stuff that has the outer yellow plastic jacket but is flexible metal underneath? Can you just use a standard brass grounding clamp like you would to jumper your water meter? One would think that would crush the gas line so I'm not going to do that.
Any and all help would be most appreciated. I'm assuming you would still want to use #4 just like you would for copper water pipes.
This is my girlfriends best friend so I won't be charging her anything (except for materials). I want to make sure she has a primary and secondary grounding system and that everything is bonded properly but this CSST stuff is new to me.
I'm just not sure how your supposed to bond this stuff if it's soft and flexible along with possibly being sheathed with a plastic outer finish....
As always, thanks for any and all help! This forum is truly a great resource.
Anyway, please feel free to move it if it belongs in that forum.
As the title suggests, what is the proper way to bond this stuff? I have only worked with Cast iron gas pipes that feed a furnace, not CSST..... My girlfriends friend just bought a condo and the HI said this needed to be done which I fully agree with.
Is this the stuff that has the outer yellow plastic jacket but is flexible metal underneath? Can you just use a standard brass grounding clamp like you would to jumper your water meter? One would think that would crush the gas line so I'm not going to do that.
Any and all help would be most appreciated. I'm assuming you would still want to use #4 just like you would for copper water pipes.
This is my girlfriends best friend so I won't be charging her anything (except for materials). I want to make sure she has a primary and secondary grounding system and that everything is bonded properly but this CSST stuff is new to me.
I'm just not sure how your supposed to bond this stuff if it's soft and flexible along with possibly being sheathed with a plastic outer finish....
As always, thanks for any and all help! This forum is truly a great resource.