Bonding Disconnect ahead of Poco Meters

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Senior Member
I have a existing outdoor freestanding overhead service that consists of 3 separate rows of meters run horizontal that tie into the side of a c.t. cabinet ( splice box only ) then the mast pipe leaving the top of the cabinet, there is what looks like a interior guts from a disconnect mounted inside the splice box. The splice box has rusted away and was flagged by the Poco. The AHJ wants a new disconnect and splice box, the disconnect is before the meters and I am not sure how to bond this. I have bonded at the disconnnect and have emt to the splice box but the grounded conductors going to the run of meter bases is bonded in the meter bases and there is metal nipples between meters and splice box, is this okay because it is on the line side of the meters or is this a problem with a parrallel path after the disconnect. This is a 1970's or so trailer park, the wires leaving the meters go to the freestanding disconnects for the trailers.
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