Bonding generator to building steel


New User
Raleigh North Carolina
Journeyman electrician
I am currently wrapping up a fit up job. The building has multiple tenants with their own service disconnects. My suit I didn’t touch the service coming in to our main panel (MDP).

We installed a 80kw generator. Which feeds a ATS inside. This is a separately derived system since it’s switching the neutral. I have 2 ground rods and a bonding jumper outside on the generator.

On the normal side the MDP feeds a transformer that directly feeds the ATS (480 down to 208). The transformer is bonded to building steel.

Last week my inspector failed me for missing my bonding from the generator to the building gec. Which is something I overlooked, it wasn’t drawn on the prints. My inspector said I can hit building steel if I can prove that the service is bonded to the building steel. If I can’t prove it then I have to bring it all the way back to the service disconnect. Unfortunately this is an older building and the grounding is tapped in a trough. And goes into the building somewhere and no one is sure where.

I guess what I’m trying to ask is since my ATS is fed directly from a transformer that is bonded to steel would that be my GEC for that system or does it need to go all the way back.

If there are codes that would clarify this for me I would appreciate it. I’m working on getting better about understanding the code but the grounding and bonding really trips me up.