Bonding/Grounding at convenience stores

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Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
I've never seen the canopy columns (over the gas dispensers) at a convenience store be bonded to the building ground. I was wondering if the columns were bonded together with a 4/0 cu. and it was taken to the service ground, would this help lower the effect of lightning strikes on the dispenser electronics?
Re: Bonding/Grounding at convenience stores

I think you would be better off developing a square wheel or concrete furniture. :p

A 10" x 1/2" air terminal with a #4 main conductor down to an 8' ground rod driven 10' into the ground would be just as effective if not better.
Re: Bonding/Grounding at convenience stores

Originally posted by bphgravity:
I think you would be better off developing a square wheel or concrete furniture. :p

My thought process was something like this. Lightning hits in the area. EMF travels from the strike out like the waves from a pebble dropped in a pool of water. The "wave" hits the canopy (of course always seeking ground) and travels on the grounding of the dispenser and the data wires between the dispenser and the building. I just thought a good 4/0 ground may reduce the impact some.

I guess this probably shows my lack of understanding of what happens when lightning hits?
Re: Bonding/Grounding at convenience stores

I knew someone would pick up on that! :D

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