Bonding & Grounding Electrodes At Rebar Structure

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Dear All,

Any of would like to explain as to the bonding Grounding & Grounding Electrode At Rebar Structure such as Column or Piling, Base Foundation of Mechanical or Electrical eqquipment.


BudhI Rahardjo
Bonding & Grounding Electrodes At Rebar Structure

Dear All,

I need some details of this grounding installation in related with Structures such as Colums, piling and Base Equipment foundation may be also the references.


Budhi Rahardjo
I am not sure what you are asking. Are you adding a column and want to know if it needs to grounded?? Or are you asking about using rebar in footings as a grounding electrode?
If you look at this users previous post - I believe he is looking for information about much more complicated grounding for step potential in a SUB-STATION!
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