Bonding, Grounding needed ?

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Senior Member
Below is an example of a site I walked through the other day. Its 2 different locations wired with 2 different methods. Both contain 500 VDC.

The first picture has a PVC coming up from the ground on the right and then existing to the left in EMT. As you can see there is no bonding bushing and the box is not bonded. The question for here is the following. Is a bonding bushing required here? and does the box need to be grounded?

The second picture shows PVC coming up on the left and then existing on the right through a flex then connected to a EMT. The 3rd picture shows the inside of the box. The question here is. Do you need a bonding bushing on the flex? should the flex have an external ground to properly bond to the EMT? Does the box need to be grounded. To top it off this length of EMT has an expansion fitting in it that is designed for IMC or Rigid conduit. This also does not have a bonding jumper on it to bond the 2 runs of EMT. this is shown in the 4th and 5th picture. I did try referencing this in the code but to tell you the truth i kinda got lost in the thick of it. any help wold be greatly appreciated.

You need the box and the metallic raceway connected to the EGC for the circuit. 250.4(A)(3), (4), & (5).
If you connect the EGC to the box, the standard locknuts will be fine for the connection to the raceway.
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