bonding a raised floor
bonding a raised floor
The raised floor is not powered equipment and it is not a grounding conductor for the protection of other equipment to be attached to it. Bonding the floor is correct but, as sometimes happens, bonding racks or other utilization equipment to the floor is imo wrong. The racks gets bonded to the copper strip signal reference grid in addition to the equipment ground coming in with the feed. Per NEC the racks may be bonded to the floor but not grounded to it (the floor is not a grounding conductor).
The floor gets bonded to the transformer secondary common grounding busbar where the GEC, EGC, and system neutral all connect. The floor gets another bonding jumper to the copper strip signal reference grid (if installed) and another bonding jumper to the local structural steel.
If you do not have a drawing showing all the wiring, I do not know if it's in the NEC since the floor is not powered and not used as (not suitable to be used as) a grounding conductor. It may be in the manufacturer's specs. I would be thinking change order.
IMO the floor wants an earth ground to be quieter and bonding interconnection to provide a low impedance path for any stray currents in the wrong place.