bonding in CT Cabinet

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Senior Member
central nc
we are doing a renovation at a car dealership. There is an existing ct cab on the exterior wall with the utility wires terminal blocked to 2 - 200A 3P 4W laterals to seperate 200A enclosed CB's and from there to each's respective panel (2 panels in the same building A & B). They did all the bonding inside the utilitys ct cab. they used 1/0 bare grnd from the neutral block to building steel and came from the same block to a #6 bare to grnd rod. the ct cab is locked by the utility. We have to change 1 of the 2 panels to a 400A 3P 4W the other is untouched. Can we just keep the bonding where it is at? For some reason I was thinking it had to be visible. which it still is but you have to call the utility company out. Plus it needs to be at the 1st disconnecting means which would be inside the enclosed CB. Is there something Im missing. Its just strange because i dont think I have ever put the bonding there. I thought it was illegal because its before the "Point of Delivery". Also on a side note this service is still hot and when the demo was done they disconnected the building steel bond and the cable is coiled up next to the ct cab. What would happen if we disconnected the ground rod wire? just a thought.
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