Bonding lightning protection grounding electrodes

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I have a lightning protection question in regards to crude oil storage tanks. According to NFPA 780, a metal storage tank is self protecting and only needs to be grounded. My question is, are grounding electrodes for lightning protection purposes required to be bonded together? I have a drawing from a client that shows multiple ground rods placed around crude oil tanks that are not bonded.
If they are bonded to the tank, I see no reason for a bonding conductor between the grounding electrodes. You would have to look at the rules in NFPA 780 to find out for sure.
If they are bonded to the tank, I see no reason for a bonding conductor between the grounding electrodes. You would have to look at the rules in NFPA 780 to find out for sure.

still not a bad idea to make a bond loop around the tank, bonding it all together, provides additional fault protection, say if one tie to tank corrodes over time and become high ohms, the addition of the loop might help there, etc. i myself will wrap bare copper around earth rod and solder it, then use UL listed bronze tie connector to be NEC compliant.
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