Bonding locknut and 250.64(E)

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Senior Member
Would a bonding locknut (one with a screw) suffice to bond ferrous raceway entering a cabinet?

(E) Enclosures for Grounding Electrode Conductors.
Ferrous metal enclosures for grounding electrode conduc-tors shall be electrically continuous from the point of at-tachment to cabinets or equipment to the grounding elec-trode and shall be securely fastened to the ground clamp orfitting. Nonferrous metal enclosures shall not be required tobe electrically continuous. Ferrous metal enclosures that arenot physically continuous from cabinets or equipment tothe grounding electrode shall be made electrically continu-ous by bonding each end of the raceway or enclosure to thegrounding electrode conductor. Bonding shall apply at eachend and to all intervening ferrous raceways, boxes, andenclosures between the cabinets or equipment and thegrounding electrode. The bonding jumper for a groundingelectrode conductor raceway or cable armor shall be thesame size as, or larger than, the enclosed grounding elec-trode conductor. Where a raceway is used as protection for agrounding electrode conductor, the installation shall complywith the requirements of the appropriate raceway article.
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