Bonding metal piping and structural metal (non electrodes)

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San Antonio
Electrician/Construction Manager
good morning,

im sure this is a novice question, but if i have to bond a sprinkler pipe, copper water pipe and gas pipe, is this conductor allowed to be continuous and hit each one? More specifically, i require a 1/0 CU bonding jumper to bond my metal water pipes (sprinkler and domestic) can i bond these with 1 single conductor that is continuous. I can not seem to find anything saying yay or nay regarding this, im sure its operator error. Any help or guidance is much appreciated
I'd say your water piping is part of the electrode system, gas bonding other that the CSST requirement is bonded thru the branch circuit for the appliance & cannot be part of the electrode system, & yes to sprinkler piping. Though there are many ways to achieve your stated goal.
thanks for the response. the water piping does not meet the requirements to be an electrode, its is above ceiling copper piping, the water coming in from the city is a plastic pipe. the only electrodes on this old building are the 2 rods i put in the ground. so the conductor i want to use to bond the metal piping in the building is not going to be sized as a GEC but as a bonding jumper. Since they are not electrodes, i wanted to just run 1 conductor and have it hit both sprinkler and water pipe. my gas pipe will bond elsewhere.
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