Re: Bonding non electrical devices
dcv, instead of saying you have searched websites to no avail, why not tell us what you have found to remedy the problem?
It's not to the best interest to "toy" with the forum.
Recently I had an experience with a static electric charge and a desel tank. The tank is about 100 gallons located about 10' off the ground on top of welded a metal frame with a hose and nossle at one end ,the problem was, every time someone tried to fuel their equipment a strong static charge would give 'em a shock ,I myself could hear this charge build up as the fuel was pumped.
After several different attempts to stop this,I ended up with a bare copper solid #10 wire attached to the tank wrapping the hose and attached to the nossle and another wire from the tank to a ground rod.
Has anyone else had a simular experience?
Roger, I'm truely sorry for "toying" with the forum. I was only tring to share an experience I had ,I which I wrote about and copied here from a post in this forum "grounding and bonding".
So far in my experience with static electricity discharge,I have found it is a case by case bases, what I did in this instance has not worked else where.