bonding of grounding electrode conduit?

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long island, ny
Hello Gentlemen,
I've had the pleasure of viewing and learning from your wonderful website for some time but have only become a registered user. Thank you for your contributions to our industry. My question is this. Should a grounding electrode conduit which doesn't terminate with flexible metallic conduit and a ground hub i.e. a 2" conduit with one 500 MCM be required to have a full size (500MCM) bonding jumper from conduit end to building steel or ground bus? In this situation a flexible metallic conduit and ground hub was eliminated due to the size restrictions and a #6 AWG ground was attached from the MIGB to the ground bus / building steel. Is this permissible or is the full size 500MCM bond required? thank you for any input you may have. mcknz
Yes it's required to be the same size as the GEC or larger. For a 500 kcmil conductor it's better to use a hub the bond the GEC directly to the conduit. For what it's worth I see large GEC's with small bonding jumpers connected to a bonding bushing all of the time. Take a look at 250.64(E).

Welcome to the forum. :)
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