Bonding of Meter Hub

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New User
Hinesville GA
If a person bonded the meter socket and did not separate the main panel as a sub panel, would or if they had an over current charge would the electric over current go to the ground rods or would end up in a pinch point and do a blow out? I know you are suppose to bond the first disconnect as required by the NEC. but a whole sub division was done this way and trying to figure out what the hazards could be.
The Grounding Electrode Conductor can land anywhere before and up to the Main disconnect (Main Panel in this case) The Main Panel would still have to have a Main Bonding Jumper, this is where the EGC begins and is landed with the Neutrals, IOW's it would not be treated as a sub panel.

If someone installed a real sub panel, with a feeder from the main panel or service disconnect the problem would be that some normal neutral current would flow on the wire or conduit EGC back to the main panel, in parallel with the actual neutral conductor.
The NEC calls this objectionable current, and it could surprise someone working on the EGC. It would also lead to a voltage offset between bonded metal surfaces and earth ground.
The very short distance between the meter and the main panel lets the Code allow this short parallel connection.

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