Bonding of three subpanel for 200A service

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Controls Engineer
Hello Everyone,

we have a three-door panel with the main breaker sized for 200A@480V service. The EGC is sized for 4 Awg and terminated on the right side of the subplate from the top.

What is the minimum size of the Bonding conductor between ground bars on the right, middle, and left subplate? What are the criteria for sizing the bonding conductor in this case?
For this particular case, we have a single galvanized backplate, so it's essentially one big single backplate for a three-door. We have the bonding conductor sized for 6 AWG between each ground bar on the subplate. Is this sized properly?

Also, how would I size it if it was a three separate subplate rather than one single giant galvanized subplate?

Thanks in advance!
See 250.102(D) and (E)
thanks .

This is the reason we have #6awg GNYE wire for bonding between the Busbar.

one of my colleague questioned if it has to be sized this big and I did not have a proper answer. I was just wondering if there are any other rule / logic ?
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