Bonding or grounding

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South Dakota
OK so this whole bonding or grounding thing has me in a tizzy.
When am I bonding and when am i grounding
Is bonding for equal potential
and grounding for fault current
or what is the basic rule of which one you are doing
I understand when to use 250.66 and 250.122 but still dont know if its a bond or a ground
I'm not going to talk to much on the subjects, because the subject of both should be researched and read-on to get a full understanding. You will have to gain a lucid understnading of the grounding circuit compared to bonding jumpers, equipment grounding, or bonding connections.

First thing is to make sure you understand the definitions of Bonded, and grounded.

Grounded= Connected to earth, or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth

Bonded= It's the permanaent joining of metallic parts to form an electrically conductive path that ensures electrical continuity and the capacity to conduct safely any current likely to be imposed.

I recommend getting a few books from Mike Holts book store on Grounding. I have one of his books, and the pictures help greatly. I also, have a few other books.
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I guess I should have answered your other question.

You can use Art. 250.66 and Art 250.122 to size your Bonding and grounding conductors, it depends. *** e2ME2 said: but still dont know if its a bond or a ground**** Note:Read the definition of both. They have two different purposes--while having separate functions.

Read these Articles for clarification: 250.66;250.122; 250.102(C); and 250.102(D)
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