Bonding Permanent Grill Next to Pool

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Senior Member
Good morning,

I have a situation where I have a permanent gas grill installed near a permanent underground concrete pool. At first, I was under the impression each part of the grill would need to be bonded. However, I havent been able to find anything that seems to address this in article 680. The grill is not installed yet and its possible to relocate it a little further away but I cant seem to find what that distance would be. Any ideas??
I found this in my '17.....

(7) Low-Voltage Gas-Fired Luminaires, Decorative Fireplaces,
Fire Pits, and Similar Equipment. Listed low-voltage gas-fi red-
luminaires, decorative fi replaces, fi re pits, and similar equip‐
ment using low-voltage ignitors that do not require grounding,
and are supplied by listed transformers or power supplies that
comply with 680.23(A)(2) with outputs that do not exceed the
low-voltage contact limit shall be permitted to be located less
than 1.5 m (5 ft) from the inside walls of the pool. Metallic
equipment shall be bonded in accordance with the require‐
ments in 680.26(B). Transformers or power supplies supplying
this type of equipment shall be installed in accordance with the
requirements in 680.24. Metallic gas piping shall be bonded in
accordance with the requirements in 250.104(B) and

A (non attached) floating grill might be more convenient, and shouldn't need bonded to pool bonding system.:cool:
I found this in my '17.....


That just tells you how close it can be to the pool, if it is electrically powered. If it is non electrically powered (self powered ignitor wouldn't count) you can put it wherever you want, even in the pool. Still doesn't change bonding requirements as mentioned.
well, is the pool really underground? that might change things for the bbq ;)
From a pool design standpoint, I would never have a BBQ within 5' of a pool. There's splash out and just a plain traffic jam on the patio trying to avoid the BBQ.

Generally permanent BBQ's are at least 10' away to allow for locating tables and chairs.

There are definitely some backyards that are very tight and there may be no choice.
That is at least a 12-beer pool (no one in their right mind would enter unless they have consumed at least 12 beers - it's in the code). Are the people in the picture still alive today?
That is at least a 12-beer pool (no one in their right mind would enter unless they have consumed at least 12 beers - it's in the code). Are the people in the picture still alive today?
That picture has been around for a long time and likely is just a set up for the photo and not actually something powered up.
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