Bonding question

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Senior Member
New England
Master electrician
Am I ok to start off 4/5 feet LFMC to EMT then back to LFMC…………………………………….
If I understand the question (and the Code).. it will depend on (a) the circuit size and (b) the total length of the LFMC involved, and the size of the LFMC.
250.118(6) will give the details.
The total length of the LFMC can not exceed 6 ft and the circuit would be limited to 2o amps for 1/2" and 60 amps for 3/4 thru 1-1/4
I should have included I am pulling in a GEC not using pipe run for GEC, and LTMC at each end under 6 feet
Just to clarify;
GEC Grounding electrode conductor
EGC Equipment grounding conductor.

Which one are you installing?
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