I am presently upgrading an existing service.Currently there is a 6x6x36" horizontal wireway which has 4 pcs of 4/0 from the utility (3 phase with nuetral) There are 4 pcs of 3/0 cu. going into 3 phase meter and 3 pcs. #2 cu. going into single phase meter.I am ripping out single phase meter and replacing with two-gang 100 amp meter.I will feed this meter with 3 pcs. 1/0 cu. which will be sufficient for load on both single phase meters.The water pipe that was previously used as grounding electrode was changed to plastic.There are no existing electrodes on site.I drove in 2 rods and ran #6 cu. from rods to wireway.If I wanted to use insulated NSI connectors to join nuetrals together in wireway intead of putting them in multi-barrel lug and bolting that to wireway to bond wireway to grounded service cond. could I just use #6 GEC to bond wireway and tie that into NSI with 4/0,3/0,1/0.I'm not saying I won't use multi-barrel lug,but I'm looking at my options.#4 cu. is size for bonding from 250.66,but #6 GEC is all I need in this case.Is #6 all that's required to bond this wireway?Thanks.(the NSI's won't take up 75% of wireway,and conductors won't fill more than 20%