We are an ungrounded system. I have for years put in ground rods, bonded them to rebar and cadwelded the 2/0 copper to any steel structure that may become energized for the protection of personnel whenever we pour concrete for equipment. Am I thinking wrong that if the rebar encased in concrete is not tied to ground and the metal in the area that there is a difference of potential if the person walking by touches the metal and is standing on the ground if a fault were to occur in the metal. Some of the electricians on our site says just laying the copper on the rebar is sufficient grounding. I tell them we are not grounding, we are bonding and we need to do this in case of either stray voltages or ground faults on the system. What says the forum? Is this considered a grounding grid, equipotential plane or just bonding? How should a new installation be done today that suffices the NEC?