Bonding Wire

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Lost Angels
Recording Engineer with BSEE
Looking over my pump/filter area, planning on a new VS motor.

I cant seem to find a bonding wire. Started digging, along the suction pipe, but before keep going with digging.
Want to make my life/digging simpler.

Where would a pool builder in 1969 logically run the bonding wire, along the suction or return pipes? Only one of each here.
Following the light conduit? The equipment pad is 20 feet from the deep end/light. 25 feet from skimmer.

The pool permit shows 1969, so I assume the new 1968 #8 wire law was applied. This is Los Angeles, inspectors are anal out here, not sure back then.
Also the pipes are copper, I assume they would be bonded to the rebar etc? Would they have bonded the copper pipes to rebar, and used the pipes as
as bonding point at the equipment?
I have a picture of the equipment in the 70s, (old owner left us pictures??) Filter tank was steel, heater was steel, all copper piping, NO PVC!!
Today, its Hayward plastic filter, no heater, Hayward motor, all PVC above pad.
Thanks in advance
We can't assist DIY, especially with a pool involved. I would suggest you contact an electrician that has experience with pools. The bond wire is a very important part for the safety of the pool.
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