It's often bonded by proxy. The buliding steel is bonded, and the sprinkler pipework is clamped in a zillion places with the hangers to the building steel.aromero said:on an industrial steel building is it requierd to bond the fire sprikler system...
250.102 talks about sizing the bonding conductor. follow the table in250.66 for this type of installation if you do choose to bond it.aromero said:on an industrial steel building is it requierd to bond the fire sprikler system and if so how do u determine the wire buy fedder or equipment ground
i always thought metal water piping ment the drinking water pipes. but i guess thats a good way to think of it since it carries water. the code isnt too clear on what they mean by metal water piping. so im sure after a little thinking and code research that it should be bonded and i was wrong in my first few comments. i learned something new once againCavie said:Fire sprinkler pipe is a "Metal water piping system" See 250.104 (A) and 250.104 (A) (1). Most fire departments will not let it be used as a grounding electrictrode but it must be bonded. in accordance with Table 250.66 Don't think domestic drinking water, Think "Metal water piping system" Gas piping falls under 250.104 (B)