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New member
Which 250 table do you use for sizing the bonding wire wrapped around sealtight when going from the panel to the transformer. And what's the purpose. I can't really get a clear understanding from the code book.
Re: bonding

This would be an equipment bonding conductor and sized from Table 250.122. As far as wrapping the conductor around the sealtight I have been taught that it is a bad practice. Some say it is a violation of 250.102(E). At an IAEI ground seminar, I asked this question of Mr. Phil Simmons, former chairman of CMP5, and his answer was that it is not a violation to wrap the bonding conductor around the sealtight.
Re: bonding


I'm sure you're right :D long as the length of the conductor doesn't exceed 6'.

What I wonder is why it isn't installed inside the raceway. :confused:
Re: bonding

An engineer once told me it let you "visually confirm that the EGC was intact and connected". I have seen it in a lot of industrial locations, but it seems after a while the insulation starts falling off and the wire gets ratty. Appleton and others make sealtite fittings with a lug for doing this.

Personally, I don't like it, but specs are to be followed...

Re: bonding

I have seen pumps that come with no ground stud inside the motor box. Putting the ground wire along side the flex is the only practical way to bond such a beast.
Re: bonding

The plant standard where I work calls for rigid conduit, internal equipment grounding conductor and an external bonding jumper around the sealtight connection to the motor.
Re: bonding

We should be seeing this when the conduit does not have an internal EGC and where the flex does not have supports within 12" of each termination.
I expect that many times this bonding jumper is not installed when it should be.
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