Bonehead Has a Glitch on the Forum

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Senior Member
Yup, Frizbeedog is sometimes a bonehead.

Please don't do what I did yesterday.

So, there I am, clearing out some of the threads I had suscribed to and thought I no longer had intrest in, and a voice in my head said. "hey, you should clear out all those attatchments you have uploaded, you know, since you're cleaning house and all." What a great idea! So later I realize that every picture in every thead that I provided pictures for, were now unviewable. And another voice in my head said, "hey bonehead, what did you do that for?"

So I ask webmaster Sean if they could be restored and.......NO, they are history man. Bummer. He says I have to re upload every one of them.

OK now what? I notice every missing attachment has a specific attachment number asigned. What next?

Would you take the time to restore them? I kinda think I should. Or, should I just let it go?

Anyway. Just a warning.....Don't be a bonehead.

:confused: :mad: :roll: :) :mad: :confused: :cool:
Ain't ya using some 3rd party online photo sharing site for posting your pics like photobucket or webshots? You can have thousands of pictures there even with a free account.

As far as going back and uploading all the pictures, I'd leave it be and just go on from here. And if I can't find a picture I'm sure I've seen here before, I'll just blame it on you :grin:
frizbeedog said:
So I ask webmaster Sean if they could be restored and...

:confused: :mad: :roll:

Maybe you could ask him to reset your post count, so you can be a newby again :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :grin:

Don't worry about it, we forgive you. Hopefully you still have the pics on your PC so YOU can enjoy them.


yursparky said:
Maybe you could ask him to reset your post count, so you can be a newby again :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :grin:

Don't worry about it, we forgive you.

Thanks man.

I thought about the newbie part. My first post as a newbie will be....Do you guys tape your wirenuts? ........uh....NO. :roll:

Actually since almost every pic was from a cameara phone, I'm thinking, oh well. I did buy a digital camera over the weekend, so now it's starting to seem like a timely error.
frizbeedog said:
My first post as a newbie will be....Do you guys tape your wirenuts? ........uh....NO. :roll:

You're needed over there, we're almost over the 300 count. :grin:
frizbeedog said:
Thanks man.

I thought about the newbie part. My first post as a newbie will be....Do you guys tape your wirenuts? ........uh....NO. :roll:

Actually since almost every pic was from a cameara phone, I'm thinking, oh well. I did buy a digital camera over the weekend, so now it's starting to seem like a timely error.

It's not gonna be ground up / ground down???? ;)
frizbeedog said:
Are there Cliffs Notes for that one? I really don't want to read the whole thing.

frizbeedog said:
OK. You're my computer hero. I've heard nice things about your skills from other members. Thanks. But that desk.....Dear God man, what's up with that?

It's a pix I found somewhere. It's not my desk. Mine may be messy, but it's certainly no environmental hazard like that. I just uploaded it in case the 'Messy Trucks' thread got resurrected.;)
480sparky said:
It's a pix I found somewhere. It's not my desk. Mine may be messy, but it's certainly no environmental hazard like that. I just uploaded it in case the 'Messy Trucks' thread got resurrected.;)

That's a relief. My impression of you has been restored. :)
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