Bought an old house.. no ground wire at sub panel.

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Well, as the heading states, I bought an old house with an older out building that has power run out to it. It’s an old box with glass fuses.
It’s fed from my main panel from a double pull 20 breaker. They used underground feed wire but there is no ground wire, just black, red, and white.
I’m installing a 60amp panel in place of the old fuse panel. I’m only looking to put a few outlets and lights out there. I’m not an electrician but all my research to this point says the neutrals and grounds should be separated in the sub panel, but I have no ground wire.
I don’t have any way to add a ground wire all the way out there, and the power was working fine from the old fuse box. Can I do this safely? I appreciate any input you guys can give me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.
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